Hilton Belyea (D)

Saint John
Year Inducted

In an amazing career that spanned a quarter of a century, Hilton Arthur Belyea (1885-1968), won local, provincial and maritime speed skating championships, but he is best remembered for countless honours attained in Local, Provincial, Maritime, National and International sculling events.He twice won Canada’s premier rowing event, the Canadian Henley Singles Sculls, and on two occasions competed in the world famous Diamond Sculls at Henley, England.Despite serious illness, he represented Canada in the 1924 Paris Olympics.New Brunswick does well to honour this courageous member of a hardy family of fishermen and sportsmen who prepared himself for inter-national acclaim by rowing against the tough tides of the Saint John Harbour. Enrolled in the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame, May 22nd, 1971.
Quick Facts
Set a world record with a time of 9:36 for the 1.5 mile event at the 1921 New England Single Scull Championships in Boston
Won the Canadian Henley Singles Scull Championship in 1921-22
Represented Canada in the Diamond Sculls in England in 1923-24
Participated in the 1924 Olympics
Won a bronze medal for sportsmanship from the Paris Olympic Committee in 1924