John Lifford (D)

Year Inducted

The Maritimes have maintained a long and honourable association with the Canadian Armed Forces and with another form of combat – the world of boxing. Johnny Lifford was a soldier and a boxer - and in both careers he established for himself a reputation sans pareil.For twenty years beginning in 1924 he thrilled fight fans on both sides of the Canada – United States border as he worked his way through 235 bouts, 181 as an amateur and 54 as a professional. His list of opponents include some of the brightest names in prize-fighting - Kid McCoy, Jimmy Duval, Babe McLeod and Dave Castilloux to name but a few.At various times in his career he reigned as King of the Maritime Lightweights, Welterweights and Middleweights. But in all of these ring battles he was never knocked out nor did he ever lose a fight on a foul.For he was a proud fighter in the ring and in the service of his country in Canada during two periods over-seas.New Brunswick does well to perpetuate the memory of this sport immortal who covered himself, his province and his country with international honour. Enrolled in the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame, June 2, 1973.
Quick Facts
Won the Maritime Lightweight, Welterweight and Middleweight championships in 1927
Was never knocked out in his career
Became the only boxer to hold three Maritime titles at the same time
Fought 181 amateur bouts and 54 as a professional; lost just 13 of those fights
Fought well known boxers such as Jimmy Duval, Pancho Villa, Dave Castilloux and Paul "Kid Lulu’’Doucet