Scott Harvey, Jr.

Year Inducted

Sports reporters like to over-work superlatives like “the best-ever”, “the greatest”, “the incomparable”.Occasionally, however, there arrives on the scene the perfect match for these adjectives; Scott Harvey, Jr. is one of these. Scott knows baseball:he was New Brunswick’s finest ball player for some 15 years.No one played on more national senior championship teams ever!His 9 and 1 pitching record at Nationals, his performance against the Cuban Nationals and his .552 batting average in 1977 is indicative of his prowess. And Scott knows hockey:well enough to star at the Junior “A”, Intercollegiate and minor professional and senior levels in Canada and the United States. The Dodgers, the Cardinals and the Bruins know talent when they see it, -- and all three were astute enough to sign this most talented graduate of Royals Field and York Arena. Enrolled in the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame, June 1st, 1997.
Quick Facts
Played professional baseball in the minor league systems of the Los Angeles Dodgers and St. Louis Cardinals
Played for NB at the 1969 Canada Summer Games
Made 13 appearances at Canadian championships (two Junior, 11 Senior)
Pitched against Team Cuba in 1976; lost 1-0 decision
Hit .552 in 1977, a New Brunswick Senior Baseball League record
Played briefly in the American Hockey League for the Boston Braves