Lewisville Keefe Cubs 1951–1954

Year Inducted

The word « Dynasty » has been applied to Les Canadiens, the Yankees and the Celtics.It should also be applied to the 1951 to 1954 junior baseball teams from Lewisville, N.B. which were sponsored by Moncton businessman Jack Keefe and coached by Eugene “Foggy” Boudreau. Some say that “they were the greatest ever”; major league baseball must have concurred since its teams signed no less than seven Keefe players to try-out contracts. It is unfortunate that the National Championships didn’t exist at that time.If they had, we could have added a number of such titles to the 4 New Brunswick, 3 P.E.I. and 2 Maritime championships they garnered in their four-year domination of Junior baseball. Most of them remained in the Moncton area where they continue to make significant contributions to all aspects of community life, - - including their sport of baseball. Enrolled in the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame, June 4, 1989.
Quick Facts
NB Junior champions (1951-54); NB-PEI Junior champions (1952-54); Maritime Junior champions in 1953 and ’54
Team members: Gerry Aylward(D) (1954); Eddie Belliveau(D) (1951-54); Eddie Booth (D) (1951-53); Jack Bourgeois (1954); Keith Bourgeois(D) (1953-54); Val Caissie(D) (1951-53); Frank Cleveland(D) (1952); Laurier Cormier(D) (1951-54); Steve Davis (1953); Alfred Doucet(D) (1951-52); Robert Fougere(D) (1953-54); Paul Goguen(D) (1952-53); Jim Hopper(D) (1951-52); Darrell Hurley(D) (1954); Alfred LeBlanc (1953-54); Bliss Lowerison (D) (1951); Allie Maddison(D) (1953-54); Russell McClenaghan(D) (1951-53); Murray McClenaghan (1951-52); Norm Melanson (1952); Dick Mellish(D) (1951); Don Mitchell (D) (1952-53); Norm Mullins (D) (1951-54); John Neilson(D) (1951-53); Keith Nelson(D) (1954); Charlie Ogden(D) (1951 & 1953); Robert Rae (D) (1951-52); Ron Robichaud (D) (1953); Don Simmons(D) (1954); Ken Smith(D) (1951); Ron Spencer (1951-52); Ray Steeves(D) (1951-52); Eddie St. Pierre (1951-54); Fred Taylor(D) (1953); Rod Trites (D)(1951-53); Paul Waldorf (1951); Eugene White (D) (1952-53); Roscoe Wilson(D) (1952-54) Team officials:Raoul Arsenault(D) (1951-54);Paul Bordage (1954);Eugene Boudreau (D) (1951-54);Roger Dupuis(D) (1951-52);Pete Gauvin (D) (1951);Johnny Gordon(D) (1952-53); Jack Keefe(D) (1951-54); Gerry Lavoie(D) (1954);Art Mellish(D) (1951-52);Norm Richard (D) (1953-54).