Edward “Ed" Steeves

Year Inducted

When the bodies responsible for providing the operational frame-work for curling in Canada were in need of re-alignment, they quite naturally called on the skilled hands of Dr. Ed Steeves. This former Monctonian has devoted more than 30 years to the "roaring game," as club player, Brier and National Mixed competitor local and National Schoolboy Championship coach, event organizer, committee member, and the CCA's only two-time president. As International Federation Vice-President he is in the forefront in curling's fight for official Olympic status. Moncton honoured him in 1987; the CCA admitted him to its Hall of Fame in 1991. Now it's the turn of his province of birth to salute his contributions to the sport which, he gratefully acknowledges, gave him so much pleasure. Enrolled in the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame, May 29, 1993.
Quick Facts
Coached three Provincial Junior champions and 1970 Canadian Schoolboy Champs (Ron Ferguson rink)
Served on the NB Curling Executive from 1976-80
Served as the NB delegate to the Canadian Curling Association in 1978
Served on the board of directors for the Canadian Curling Association from 1985-91
Served two terms as President of the International Curling Federation
Served as first Vice-President of the Word Curling Federation from 1990-94
Helped lead movement for curling to become an Olympic sport
Chosen all-star skip at the 1974 Canadian Mixed Curling Championships