Year Inducted
Vance Toner (D)
When the definitive history of sport in New Brunswick is written, the longest chapter will surely be devoted to the accomplishments of Vance Toner. He was born in Edmundston where his values were fashioned at home, got his teaching baptism in Quebec, developed his philosophy of coaching at St. Thomas in Chatham, and exerted his greatest provincial and national impact from his adopted base at the Université de Moncton. It can truly be said that "... he went where there was no path and fashioned a trail of excellence," — one that impacts equally positively wherever New Brunswickers play and compete. Enrolled in the New Brunswick Sports Hall Fame , June 1, 1991.
Quick Facts
Coached football and hockey at St. Thomas University, and led the hockey team to the Maritime intercollegiate championship in 1961
Founder and first director of the School of Physical Education and Recreation and the Institute of Leadership at the Universite de Moncton (1965)
NB representative on the National Advisory Council on Fitness and Amateur Sport
Former member of Canada's Olympic Hockey Committee
Former consultant to federal government for the development of the National Sports Administration Center and a member of its board of directors for seven years
Former president of the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union (CIAU)
First chairman of the board of governors of the NB Sports Hall of Fame;
Awarded the Order of Canada Award in 1997
Université de Moncton field house named in his honour in 2003 (Stade Vance Toner)