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Clarence Bastarache


Clarence Bastarache




Wheelchair Sports



Year Inducted


Sport Ambassador


New Brunswick wheelchair athletes continue to be numbered among the best in the world. This was true in Atlanta in 1996 just as it was at National, Pan-American, Paralympic and Stoke-Mandeville Games two decades earlier. To a list that includes such stellar performers as DeVenney and Donahue, and more recently, Merrill and Durepos, we must add Clarence Bastarache of Bouctouche and Bathurst. Here is an athlete who won 84 medals in national and international competitions in track and field, swimming, basketball, table tennis, volleyball, archery and the club throw. This seven-time member of Canada's National Team established nine Canadian records in the shot put, javelin, pentathlon, 50 metre breast stroke, relay and the club throw. For a quarter century he has inspired others by his perseverance and remarkable versatility. Enrolled in the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame, June 7, 1997

Quick Facts

  • Won a gold medal in the discus at the 1973 Pan American Games 

  • Won a bronze medal in the pentathlon at the 1976 Paralympic Games 

  • Former regional director of the NB Wheelchair Sports Association 

  • Inducted into the Bathurst Sports Hall of Fame in 1995 

  • Recipient of the Canadian Paraplegic Association Merit Award

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