Arthur Finnamore (D)

Saint John
Year Inducted

This man played with and coached a Black’s Harbour baseball team in 1948.They were undefeated in regular season play. No big deal,, you say.But he was 65 years of age at the time – and had just completed 43 years of amateur and professional baseball in the Maritimes, New England, Quebec, Ontario and the West.A veteran of the Boer War, and World War I, this Fredericton native still prides himself on the fact that at 94 years of age, his daily regimen includes a period of jogging. His sports participation was not limited to baseball, but included a healthy dash of rugby, track and field and basketball.Like Beef Malcolm before him, he becomes the second all-round athlete to enter the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame. Enrolled in the New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame, June 5th, 1976.
Quick Facts
Named Outstanding Athlete in the Maritimes in 1903
Helped the University of New Brunswick rugby team to a Maritime championship in 1903
Won the Maritime 220-metre track event in 1906
Excelled in both distance runs and quarter mile events as a track athlete
Coached numerous teams throughout the Maritimes in baseball, hockey and track
Supervised the construction of a baseball park in Black’s Harbor in 1948 and later coached teams in the area