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Gilles Barrieau


Gilles Barrieau




Harness Racing



Year Inducted


Sport Ambassador


Moncton harness racing driver and trainer Gilles Barrieau was among the best in the country over a career that spanned more than 30 years. As a driver, he found his way to the winner’s circle more than 5,000 times, most of his wins coming at tracks throughout Atlantic Canada, with purse winnings totaling more than $10 million. As a trainer, he rang up 1,234 wins and more than $3.7 million in purse money. He won the Canadian driving championship in 2007 and finished third in the World Driving Championship that year. That 2007 season also brought the first of his four Atlantic driving championships. He also won Atlantic titles in 2008, 2018 and 2022. Known throughout the harness racing industry as “The Maritime Magic Man”, he’s also a two-time winner of the sport’s prestigious “O’Brien Award” for horsemanship, in 2005 and again in 2019. Born into a harness racing family, he has won every major race in Atlantic Canada, including the prestigious Gold Cup and Saucer race in Charlottetown four times in 1997, 2000, 2002, and 2017.

Inducted into the New Brunswick Sports hall of Fame June 10, 2023.

Quick Facts

  • Won over 5,000 races and is a former Canadian Harness   Racing Champion

  • Won the Atlantic Driving Championship 4   times (2007, 2008, 2018, 2022).

  • Won the Canadian O'Brien Award for   Horsemanship three times (2005, 2019) and was nominated three times (2005,   2019, 2020).

  • Inducted into Greater Saint John Sports   Hall of Fame in 2019 and Moncton Sports Wall of Fame in 2021.

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